
Pricing - Warrnambool Cemetery

Prices for interment are primarily determined by the Department of Health and Human Services. Some of those are listed below although confirmation will need to be made through discussion with Warrnambool Cemetery staff.

Fees as of 01-07-2024

Right of Interment - Grave - Cremated Remains Only $1625
Interment Service - Grave $1551
Right of Internment - Rose Garden $810
Interment in Rose Garden $858
Right of Interment - Niche Wall $810
Interment of Ashes in Niche Wall $357.50
Interment of Ashes (private grave) $357.50
Removal of Ledger $253
Oversize Grave $253
Right of Interment (Baby Section) $545
Interment Service (Baby Section) $60
Permission to Erect a Monument $200